configuration package


api.alphafold module

Module containing the AlphaFold class and the command line interface.

class api.alphafold.AlphaFold(output_pdb_path, properties=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BiobbObject

biobb_io AlphaFold
This class is a wrapper for downloading a PDB structure from the AlphaFold Protein Structure Database.
Wrapper for the AlphaFold Protein Structure Database for downloading a single PDB structure from its corresponding Uniprot code.
  • output_pdb_path (str) – Path to the output PDB file. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: pdb (edam:format_1476).

  • properties (dic - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –

    • uniprot_code (str) - (None) Uniprot code.

    • remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.

    • restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.

    • sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.


This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:

from biobb_io.api.alphafold import alphafold
prop = {
    'uniprot_code': 'P00489'
check_data_params(out_log, err_log)[source]

Checks all the input/output paths and parameters

launch() int[source]

Execute the AlphaFold api.alphafold.AlphaFold object.

api.alphafold.alphafold(output_pdb_path: str, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int[source]

Execute the AlphaFold class and execute the launch() method.


Command line execution of this building block. Please check the command line documentation.

api.ligand module

Module containing the Ligand class and the command line interface.

class api.ligand.Ligand(output_pdb_path, properties=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BiobbObject

biobb_io Ligand
This class is a wrapper for downloading a PDB ligand from the Protein Data Bank.
Wrapper for the Protein Data Bank in Europe and the MMB PDB mirror for downloading a single PDB ligand.
  • output_pdb_path (str) –

    Path to the output PDB ligand file. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: pdb (edam:format_1476).

  • properties (dic - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –

    • ligand_code (str) - (None) RSCB PDB ligand code.

    • api_id (str) - (“mmb”) Identifier of the PDB REST API from which the PDB structure will be downloaded. Values: pdbe (PDB in Europe REST API), mmb (MMB PDB mirror API).

    • remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.

    • restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.

    • sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.


This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:

from biobb_io.api.ligand import ligand
prop = {
    'ligand_code': 'CPB',
    'api_id': 'mmb'
check_data_params(out_log, err_log)[source]

Checks all the input/output paths and parameters

launch() int[source]

Execute the Ligand api.ligand.Ligand object.

api.ligand.ligand(output_pdb_path: str, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int[source]

Execute the Ligand class and execute the launch() method.


Command line execution of this building block. Please check the command line documentation.

api.memprotmd_sim module

Module containing the MemProtMDSim class and the command line interface.

class api.memprotmd_sim.MemProtMDSim(output_simulation, properties=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BiobbObject

biobb_io MemProtMDSim
This class is a wrapper of the MemProtMD to download a simulation using its REST API.
Wrapper for the MemProtMD DB REST API to download a simulation.
  • output_simulation (str) –

    Path to the output simulation in a ZIP file. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).

  • properties (dic - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –

    • pdb_code (str) - (None) RSCB PDB code.

    • remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.

    • restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.

    • sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.


This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:

from biobb_io.api.memprotmd_sim import memprotmd_sim
prop = {
    'pdb_code': '2VGB'
check_data_params(out_log, err_log)[source]

Checks all the input/output paths and parameters

launch() int[source]

Execute the MemProtMDSim api.memprotmd_sim.MemProtMDSim object.


Command line execution of this building block. Please check the command line documentation.

api.memprotmd_sim.memprotmd_sim(output_simulation: str, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int[source]

Execute the MemProtMDSim class and execute the launch() method.

api.memprotmd_sim_list module

Module containing the MemProtMDSimList class and the command line interface.

class api.memprotmd_sim_list.MemProtMDSimList(output_simulations, properties=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BiobbObject

biobb_io MemProtMDSimList
This class is a wrapper of the MemProtMD to get all available membrane-protein systems from its REST API.
Wrapper for the MemProtMD DB REST API to get all available membrane-protein systems (simulations).
  • output_simulations (str) –

    Path to the output JSON file. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: json (edam:format_3464).

  • properties (dic - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –

    • remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.

    • restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.

    • sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.


This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:

from biobb_io.api.memprotmd_sim_list import memprotmd_sim_list
prop = { }
check_data_params(out_log, err_log)[source]

Checks all the input/output paths and parameters

launch() int[source]

Execute the MemProtMDSimList api.memprotmd_sim_list.MemProtMDSimList object.


Command line execution of this building block. Please check the command line documentation.

api.memprotmd_sim_list.memprotmd_sim_list(output_simulations: str, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int[source]

Execute the MemProtMDSimList class and execute the launch() method.

api.pdb module

Module containing the Pdb class and the command line interface.

class api.pdb.Pdb(output_pdb_path, properties=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BiobbObject

biobb_io Pdb
This class is a wrapper for downloading a PDB structure from the Protein Data Bank.
Wrapper for the Protein Data Bank in Europe, the Protein Data Bank and the MMB PDB mirror for downloading a single PDB structure.
  • output_pdb_path (str) –

    Path to the output PDB file. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: pdb (edam:format_1476).

  • properties (dic - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –

    • pdb_code (str) - (None) RSCB PDB code.

    • filter (str) - ([“ATOM”, “MODEL”, “ENDMDL”]) Array of groups to be kept. If value is None or False no filter will be applied. All the possible values are defined in the official PDB specification.

    • api_id (str) - (“pdbe”) Identifier of the PDB REST API from which the PDB structure will be downloaded. Values: pdbe (PDB in Europe REST API), pdb (RCSB PDB REST API), mmb (MMB PDB mirror API).

    • remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.

    • restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.

    • sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.


This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:

from biobb_io.api.pdb import pdb
prop = {
    'pdb_code': '2VGB',
    'filter': ['ATOM', 'MODEL', 'ENDMDL'],
    'api_id': 'pdbe'
check_data_params(out_log, err_log)[source]

Checks all the input/output paths and parameters

launch() int[source]

Execute the Pdb api.pdb.Pdb object.


Command line execution of this building block. Please check the command line documentation.

api.pdb.pdb(output_pdb_path: str, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int[source]

Execute the Pdb class and execute the launch() method.

api.pdb_cluster_zip module

PdbClusterZip Module

class api.pdb_cluster_zip.PdbClusterZip(output_pdb_zip_path, properties=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BiobbObject

biobb_io PdbClusterZip
This class is a wrapper for downloading a PDB cluster from the Protein Data Bank.
Wrapper for the Protein Data Bank in Europe, the Protein Data Bank and the MMB PDB mirror for downloading a PDB cluster.
  • output_pdb_zip_path (str) –

    Path to the ZIP file containing the output PDB files. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: zip (edam:format_3987).

  • properties (dic - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –

    • pdb_code (str) - (None) RSCB PDB code.

    • filter (str) - ([“ATOM”, “MODEL”, “ENDMDL”]) Array of groups to be kept. If value is None or False no filter will be applied. All the possible values are defined in the official PDB specification (

    • cluster (int) - (90) Sequence Similarity Cutoff. Values: 50 (structures having less than 50% sequence identity to each other), 70 (structures having less than 70% sequence identity to each other), 90 (structures having less than 90% sequence identity to each other), 95 (structures having less than 95% sequence identity to each other).

    • api_id (str) - (“pdbe”) Identifier of the PDB REST API from which the PDB structure will be downloaded. Values: pdbe (PDB in Europe REST API), pdb (RCSB PDB REST API), mmb (MMB PDB mirror API).

    • remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.

    • restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.

    • sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.


This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:

from biobb_io.api.pdb_cluster_zip import pdb_cluster_zip
prop = {
    'pdb_code': '2VGB',
    'filter': ['ATOM', 'MODEL', 'ENDMDL'],
    'cluster': 90,
    'api_id': 'pdbe'
check_data_params(out_log, err_log)[source]

Checks all the input/output paths and parameters

launch() int[source]

Execute the PdbClusterZip api.pdb_cluster_zip.PdbClusterZip object.


Command line execution of this building block. Please check the command line documentation.

api.pdb_cluster_zip.pdb_cluster_zip(output_pdb_zip_path: str, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int[source]

Execute the PdbClusterZip class and execute the launch() method.

api.pdb_variants module

PdbVariants Module

class api.pdb_variants.PdbVariants(output_mutations_list_txt, properties=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BiobbObject

biobb_io PdbVariants
This class creates a text file containing a list of all the variants mapped to a PDB code from the corresponding UNIPROT entries.
Wrapper for the UNIPROT mirror of the MMB group REST API for creating a list of all the variants mapped to a PDB code from the corresponding UNIPROT entries.
  • output_mutations_list_txt (str) –

    Path to the TXT file containing an ASCII comma separated values of the mutations. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: txt (edam:format_2330).

  • properties (dic - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –

    • pdb_code (str) - (None) RSCB PDB four letter code.

    • remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.

    • restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.

    • sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.


This is a use example of how to use the PdbVariants module from Python

from biobb_io.api.pdb_variants import pdb_variants prop = {

‘pdb_code’: ‘2VGB’

} pdb_variants(output_mutations_list_txt=’/path/to/newMutationslist.txt’,


check_data_params(out_log, err_log)[source]

Checks all the input/output paths and parameters

launch() int[source]

Execute the PdbVariants api.pdb_variants.PdbVariants object.


Command line execution of this building block. Please check the command line documentation.

api.pdb_variants.pdb_variants(output_mutations_list_txt: str, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int[source]

Execute the PdbVariants class and execute the launch() method.

api.api_binding_site module

Module containing the ApiBindingSite class and the command line interface.

class api.api_binding_site.ApiBindingSite(output_json_path, properties=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BiobbObject

biobb_io ApiBindingSite
This class is a wrapper for the PDBe REST API Binding Sites endpoint.
This call provides details on binding sites in the entry as per STRUCT_SITE records in PDB files, such as ligand, residues in the site, description of the site, etc.
  • output_json_path (str) –

    Path to the JSON file with the binding sites for the requested structure. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: json (edam:format_3464).

  • properties (dic - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –

    • pdb_code (str) - (None) RSCB PDB code.

    • remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.

    • restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.

    • sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.


This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:

from biobb_io.api.api_binding_site import api_binding_site
prop = {
    'pdb_code': '4i23'
check_data_params(out_log, err_log)[source]

Checks all the input/output paths and parameters

launch() int[source]

Execute the ApiBindingSite api.api_binding_site.ApiBindingSite object.

api.api_binding_site.api_binding_site(output_json_path: str, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int[source]

Execute the ApiBindingSite class and execute the launch() method.


Command line execution of this building block. Please check the command line documentation.

api.canonical_fasta module

Module containing the CanonicalFasta class and the command line interface.

class api.canonical_fasta.CanonicalFasta(output_fasta_path, properties=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BiobbObject

biobb_io CanonicalFasta
This class is a wrapper for downloading a FASTA structure from the Protein Data Bank.
Wrapper for the Protein Data Bank and the MMB PDB mirror for downloading a single FASTA structure.
  • output_fasta_path (str) –

    Path to the canonical FASTA file. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: fasta (edam:format_1929).

  • properties (dic - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –

    • pdb_code (str) - (None) RSCB PDB code.

    • api_id (str) - (“pdbe”) Identifier of the PDB REST API from which the PDB structure will be downloaded. Values: pdbe (PDB in Europe REST API), pdb (RCSB PDB REST API), mmb (MMB PDB mirror API).

    • remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.

    • restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.

    • sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.


This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:

from biobb_io.api.canonical_fasta import canonical_fasta
prop = {
    'pdb_code': '4i23',
    'api_id': 'pdb'
check_data_params(out_log, err_log)[source]

Checks all the input/output paths and parameters

launch() int[source]

Execute the CanonicalFasta api.canonical_fasta.CanonicalFasta object.

api.canonical_fasta.canonical_fasta(output_fasta_path: str, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int[source]

Execute the CanonicalFasta class and execute the launch() method.


Command line execution of this building block. Please check the command line documentation.

api.mmcif module

Module containing the Mmcif class and the command line interface.

class api.mmcif.Mmcif(output_mmcif_path, properties=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BiobbObject

biobb_io Mmcif
This class is a wrapper for downloading a MMCIF structure from the Protein Data Bank.
Wrapper for the Protein Data Bank in Europe, the Protein Data Bank and the MMB PDB mirror for downloading a single MMCIF structure.
  • output_mmcif_path (str) –

    Path to the output MMCIF file. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: cif (edam:format_1477), mmcif (edam:format_1477).

  • properties (dic - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –

    • pdb_code (str) - (None) RSCB PDB code.

    • api_id (str) - (“pdbe”) Identifier of the PDB REST API from which the MMCIF structure will be downloaded. Values: pdbe (PDB in Europe REST API), pdb (RCSB PDB REST API), mmb (MMB PDB mirror API).

    • remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.

    • restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.

    • sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.


This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:

from biobb_io.api.mmcif import mmcif
prop = {
    'pdb_code': '2VGB',
    'api_id': 'pdbe'
check_data_params(out_log, err_log)[source]

Checks all the input/output paths and parameters

launch() int[source]

Execute the Mmcif api.mmcif.Mmcif object.


Command line execution of this building block. Please check the command line documentation.

api.mmcif.mmcif(output_mmcif_path: str, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int[source]

Execute the Mmcif class and execute the launch() method.

api.ideal_sdf module

Module containing the IdealSdf class and the command line interface.

class api.ideal_sdf.IdealSdf(output_sdf_path, properties=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BiobbObject

biobb_io IdealSdf
This class is a wrapper for downloading an ideal SDF ligand from the Protein Data Bank.
Wrapper for the Protein Data Bank in Europe and the Protein Data Bank for downloading a single ideal SDF ligand.
  • output_sdf_path (str) –

    Path to the output SDF file. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: sdf (edam:format_3814).

  • properties (dic - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –

    • ligand_code (str) - (None) RSCB PDB ligand code.

    • api_id (str) - (“pdbe”) Identifier of the PDB REST API from which the SDF structure will be downloaded. Values: pdbe (PDB in Europe REST API), pdb (RCSB PDB REST API).

    • remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.

    • restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.

    • sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.


This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:

from biobb_io.api.ideal_sdf import ideal_sdf
prop = {
    'ligand_code': 'HYZ',
    'api_id': 'pdbe'
check_data_params(out_log, err_log)[source]

Checks all the input/output paths and parameters

launch() int[source]

Execute the IdealSdf api.ideal_sdf.IdealSdf object.

api.ideal_sdf.ideal_sdf(output_sdf_path: str, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int[source]

Execute the IdealSdf class and execute the launch() method.


Command line execution of this building block. Please check the command line documentation.

api.structure_info module

Module containing the StructureInfo class and the command line interface.

class api.structure_info.StructureInfo(output_json_path, properties=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BiobbObject

biobb_io StructureInfo
This class is a wrapper for getting all the available information of a structure from the Protein Data Bank.
Wrapper for the MMB PDB mirror for getting all the available information of a structure from the Protein Data Bank.
  • output_json_path (str) –

    Path to the output JSON file with all the structure information. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: json (edam:format_3464).

  • properties (dic - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –

    • pdb_code (str) - (None) RSCB PDB structure code.

    • remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.

    • restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.

    • sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.


This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:

from biobb_io.api.structure_info import structure_info
prop = {
    'pdb_code': '2vgb'
check_data_params(out_log, err_log)[source]

Checks all the input/output paths and parameters

launch() int[source]

Execute the StructureInfo api.structure_info.StructureInfo object.


Command line execution of this building block. Please check the command line documentation.

api.structure_info.structure_info(output_json_path: str, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int[source]

Execute the StructureInfo class and execute the launch() method.